Thursday, October 08, 2009

Sleepless in *Dover*

Debbie has been off breastfeeding for almost a week already. So far the journey has been *rather* smooth. The only challenge is how to put her back to bed when she wakes up in the middle of the night. She used to snuggle towards me and suckle till she falls alseep again.

For the first 2 nights, it was "better". She woke up and asked me to bring her to the kitchen. She ate a little yogurt and then went back to bed. I think she was hungry as she was not eating much when she had stomach-flu.

The next 2 nights was "heaven"! I had uninterrupted sleep from 12mn-7am! She woke up but she will close her eyes and sleep again.

However, last 2 nights was "horrendous". Especially last night, she woke up at 4am and 7am; screaming and kicking a big fuss! Thinking that she might be hungry, I offered her "Honey Star" but she didn't want. Gave her milk, didn't want... Gave her water, didn't want... She just kept crying and asking me to carry her from room to kitchen, and then kitchen to room! All these at 4am!!! Argh!

Finally, after 30mins of screaming and crying, she asked me for "Honey Star" and quietly laid down on her bed, munching on them... And eventually fell asleep...

This morning, the same thing happened at 7am...:(

The worse is that all fussing kids want is MUMMY... JX tried to help; but she got even more frustrated, thinking that JX wants to carry her away from me... Sigh!

I hope this is part of the weaning process... I am almost there... almost there...


Unknown said...

:( Oh man... poor thing. Hang in there!

anonymous said...

She could be waking up because she pee-ed. Mine used to wake up when he was weaned. I brought him to the toilet and he was fine. Thereafter, he learns to ignore and go back to sleep till he could hold and night train completely. Now the second one is also weaned but would sometimes wake up or kick up a big fuss (could be dreams as well). I would check the diaper and change if wet. Then I would pat her to sleep. From experience, if I don't change her diaper, it is harder for her to fall back asleep.

Iris said...

2 weeks to undo any habbit. Just a few more days.. She can make it & u gonna enjoy ur 12-7 dreamland :)