Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Finally!!! It Happened!

Debbie fell off the bed on Tuesday...:(

I left her sleeping on our bed; between me and her cot. But now that she is going to be 8 months, she is "strong" enough to move her cot and fell...sigh

My only consolation is that Denise fell at 5 months and Debbie....3 months later....:p

Debbie is alright. Had a shock but recovered quickly.... Playing and crawling after that!



Unknown said...

Oh dear!

I sometimes put Ivan in between me and the cot, and very often "scared" that he falls down the bed ( this falling down the bed thingy scares me cos it happens to almost all babies...kellyn fell down at a very young age..I am paranoid)...I know he is still so small...I am afraid that I am the one pushing the cot, or me sleeping on never know what you do when you are tired.

Vina said...

Oh no!

True about what FL said.. you never know what you do when you are tired.. Gabby fell 2 more times from our bed while we were sleeping at night.. I was too tired to be awake when she woke up in the middle of the night...until she cried lying on the floor. Thank God she's alright.