Friday, November 03, 2006


Denise had fever on Monday night; had to bring her to the doctor on Tuesday. She was very obedient and cooperative. Doctor prescribed medicine for cough and running nose (the usual stuff). JX and myself took turns to look after her on Tuesday and Wednesday.

She went back to school on Thursday. When I picked her up, I saw her art & craft being displayed outside her classroom. Like a "kiasu" mum, I cannot help but compared her artwork with her classmates...:p

They are learning the letter "X" this week.

Hahah....comparing to the red one next to her, I must say Denise's purple X is a much nicer and neater one....!!!


Lynnette said...

ahaha.. it's only natural to compare!

i noticed that she's got very good eye-hand co-ordination for a kid!
it means that her frontal lobes of her brains are more developed than other kids. What more denise is born in late december! so it means she's younger than the other kids. so it's either she's well developed for her age (which is great).. or she's been exposed in an environment that encourages such activity (which is think most likely).. dawn you've got a highly intelligent child!!! ('',)

Dawn said...

Wow! Frontal lobes of the brain... You remind me of a neuro-surgeon...:)