It started last Sunday (Sep 6) when Aaron celebrated his 1 year old birthday at our place. It was supposed to be a mini-party but more than 50 people turned up... I have not seen so many people at the Clubhouse before...:p

On a sidenote.... Do they look alike?

Saturday (Sep 12), Jaden and Bryan (both Denise's classmates) celebrated their birthdays on the same day. In the morning, Jaden had a "Pedal Go-Kart" party at West Coast Park. It was very fun! There were so many different kind of models to choose from.

Even adults can ride on them! A few parents, including myself, tried riding...:)

It was photos and more photos later... The parents were more excited than the children...:p It was like some press conference or meet the stars session. Haha...
The theme of the party was Transfomer. And of course, birthday boy had a Transformer birthday cake from Bengawan Solo...:)
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