1) On May 17 (Sat), Denise attended classmate Caelyn's birthday celebration at MacDonald (Queentown Ridout Garden). Caelyn had a 3D Barbie birthday cake; do you notice how awkward the candles were placed?She had a pinata as well. As there were too many children, Denise did not have her turn to pull the string. However, she had a great time trying to bag as much goodies as possible!

2) May 18 (Sun), another classmate Richa celebrated her birthday at GoGoBambini. I heard so much about that place but this would be our first time bringing Denise there. Huge indoor playground but it was rather cramp... Not much program but the kids went crazy during the hour of free play! Food was average and Richa had a nice strawberry cake.

3) May 19 (Mon-Vesak Day), Denise went back to GoGoBambini for Javier's birthday... Yes, GoGoBamini again...:p Same place, same food... But this time the free play was interrupted because 1 toddler urinated in the playground...:p And it turned out that it was one of Javier's guest...hahhaha.... We proceed with cake-cutting and then the kids continued their play after that... As for cake, Javier had a Winnie the Pooh Swensen Ice-cream cake...something different!
Tiring weekend... But to Denise it was probably the most fun!