Bought Denise a new swimming costume because she started her swimming lessons today at Arena Country Club. Talked to the boss and found out that if they find you fit for competition; they will recommend you to David Lim, his partner, (former Singapore National Swimmer) for competitive training. But well...that would be many years down the road...:p I told him that my intention is to cultivate water confidence in Denise so that at least she is not afraid of water...:)

Lesson 1 (Total of 5 students)
- Warm up exercise
- Brief them on pool rules
- Learn how to get in and out of pool
- Learn to breathe from nose
- Went underwater
- Learn to balance on the float
- Jump into the pool with the help of instructor
Wah! Denise looks really tall in that picture!
mebbe she'd be selected for that special training! :)
Did you have to jump in with her?
Not too bad for as a "future career" if she is selected...:)
Nope, I don't have to join her in the pool!
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