Talked to a mother of 3 recently. She is open to trying for No.4 but she dreads it when they fall sick. Sigh...with only 2; I already understand what she means.
On Friday, I was asked to bring Debbie home as there was a "string" of green mucus that flowed from her nose. In view of the recent HFMD and being a responsible parent, I took half day urgent leave and when home. All I could say was "TGIF - Thank God it's Friday!"Over the weekend, she started getting very cranky and drool ALOT!!! I attributed all these to her 2 teeth that is rather visible by now.
Last night (Sunday), Denise developed FEVER at night...:( Had to keep her away from school for a few days...
Took urgent child sick leave for the next days to let both of them recover fully...
No.3? Hmmmm...... I am still thinking about what my friends told me...:p
I thought school is closed for Denise? No?
They closed the Infant-care centre; not her Pre-school branch...:)
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