About 60 - 80 hopefuls kids, aged 5-12 years old turned up that morning!
One girl even came dressed in a full bridal-liked gown... Hmm....thought Fox is more streetwear style?!!
Anyway, Denise simply walked down the aisle; not her usual self... No smile and cannot be bothered. The emcee asked her to give the judges a wave...and she just shook her head...:p
JX says that maybe they are looking for a "attitude-looking" face....hmmmmm...
Her happiest moment of the day? Shopping at Toy R Us and bought a swimming pool for her Barbie...:)
wow... Denise is cool yeh. If there is another round at paragon, do let me know yeh, I try be there and root for her :)
Good grief! She is soooooooo chic and funky!
Absolutely a true princess growing up ...
I miss you too Dawn! So happy to see your girls growing up so fast. Auntie Shar Shar is growing old.. :(
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