With Auntie Mel's help, I managed to bring Denise (with Debbie in toll) to the Science Centre on her birthday! The place was a little too confusing for a 4 year old...:) Only managed to get her interested in some exhibit. Did not complete the entire tour within 3 hours; will bring her back again perhaps in 2 year's time!
Before we left, we visited the Water Garden outside Science Centre. Did not plan to get her wet. She stood by the side, watching other children played in the water. Auntie Mel asked why don't I let her play in the water... Remembering that it was her birthday, I decided to let her "messed up", for once...:p
When I asked her if she wanted to play in the water, her eyes lit up!!! I think she wanted to play in the water but probably thinking that I would say "no", she didn't even ask...
(good girl, right?) See how happy she was...

If you ask her what's the best part about Singapore Science Centre, she will undoubtedly say it was the Water Play! And of course, the MacDonald outlet located outside!