Last Saturday was Denise's P1 Orientation at FMS(P). I did not realise that the school has changed their name from FMPS to FMS(P)...

The parents attended a briefing by the Principal and Vice-Principal at the School Hall. After which, we were being ushered to a classroom for some administrative matters. We had to fill up 8 forms!!! One father commented that it felt like taking examinations again...:p

The children assembled in the school canteen. They went to their classrooms and met their form teachers. Denise told me that she did an English and Maths worksheet in class. Asked her if she can do them; she said Yes. Asked her if she got them all right; she said not sure... Haha...
Is the kiasu-syndrome coming out from me already?
I fetched Denise from her class after filling up all the forms! She had already gone for a tour around the school compound and wanted to bring me to her favourite spot!
It is a "walk-in" aquarium!
We had lunch in the canteen (an opportunity to check out the quality of the food). Nasi Lemak and Mee Rebus at $1 each; Sushi - 4 pcs for 60cts... Edible; but not exactly fantastic... Well, what am I expecting? :)
Before we left, we settled Denise's busing and visited the FILA booth. Wanted to buy school shoes for her but the velcro type is SOLD OUT for her size. Well, buy another day then...:)
Exciting day! Looking forward to her first day in FMS(P) next year... Whoo! Whoo!